Facundo portrait

Hello, I'm Facundo. I'm a full-stack developer with 3 years of experience. My focus nowadays is Angular & Laravel but always wanting to learn more.

About me

As a passionate programmer, I thrive on learning and seizing every opportunity for improvement. With approximately three years of experience in the field, I'm an enthusiastic autodidact. My key strength is a relentless commitment to adding value and consistently going above and beyond in meeting expectations.

My projects


I have been serving as a full-stack developer on an ongoing basis for one year, contributing to the development of a web application for a travel agency.

  • Angular
  • Laravel
  • Tailwind
  • SQL
  • TypeScript


A game designed for football enthusiasts where you have to make predictions about players, teams, and match outcomes.

  • Angular
  • Laravel
  • SQL
  • Tailwind
  • TypeScript


Inspired in pcbuilder. In this app you can create your dreams PC and get the components links

  • React
  • Laravel
  • SQL
  • Tailwind


This application is useful when you need to keep track of points while playing 'Truco,' a very common game in my home country.

  • Ionic
  • Angular


The winner is the one that can see the most number of words in 2 minutes. Can be played online with friends

  • Ionic
  • Angular
  • SocketIO

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at facundoguerrero99@hotmail.com